

We partner with you to unleash potential of diversity & inclusion for your business growth.

Diversity &

Lectures, Training,
and Seminars

Diversity Coaching™
for Executives
and Managers

Diversity & Inclusion

 We offer consulting to help you bring more diversity and inclusion into your management and cultivate a diverse workforce all in alignment with your organization's culture, size, and industry. We work together with you through the process of using market surveys, data analysis, and more to identify issues and hypotheses, then setting KPIs and targets based on those, and finally implementing solutions. In addition to designing personnel systems and creating training plans, we can also assist you in developing products and services that can be introduced to diverse customer markets.




Lectures, Training, and Seminars

 We offer lectures, training, and seminars for global conferences and other events as well as for needs-tailored internal training. We provide lectures and training on a wide variety of topics, including why diversity and inclusion are so important for management, helping women thrive, workstyle transformation, work style reform, LGBTQ issues, generational issues, and unconscious biases, based on a successful track record of lectures and studies delivered in the US, the UK, Singapore, China, South Korea, and Japan.

Past examples:

  • Diversity-oriented management organizations need today
  • Turning the generation gap into synergy
  • LGBTQ inclusion
  • Unconscious biases
  • Organizations where women can thrive
  • Inclusive leadership




Diversity Coaching™
for Executives and Managers

 These days, it has become essential for executives and managers to be able to lead teams that are diverse in terms of sex, nationality, age, background, and more. It’s easy to find examples of the ways that inconsiderate gaffs and actions on the part of executives and top managers can become a lightning rod for criticism from both inside and outside the organization, or that harassment and other problems can lead to internal reports and even litigation.
 A 6- to 12-month course of our Diversity Coaching™ method can reduce the risk of harassment and other issues and can help executives and managers learn how to impactfully practice inclusive leadership and become leaders of organizations that are stronger for their diversity.